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Previous Events

#COP27 Voices of Displaced youth: climate action through sustainable energy (Refugee led session)

This interactive session will focus on energy access in displacement settings and climate change from a youth-centred perspective.


#COP27 From humanitarian relief-to-climate resilience: realizing a critical shift in humanitarian energy access

This session will invite participants to change the humanitarian energy access space by providing expert insights on inclusive data, systemic change in the UN, and inclusive investments.


Webinar Series on Understanding the E-waste Value Chain in Humanitarian Settings

The webinar of the series dives deeper into the policy landscape for e-waste management in displacement settings.


 #COP27 Brown Bag Lunch Workshop: Integrating Displaced Populations into NDCs – Closed-door event

The session will be a closed peer-to-peer exchange with government stakeholders, UN experts, and leading organizations in NDC Partnerships.

Workshop Conference

#COP27 UNITAR Climate Classroom: Climate action and Humanitarian Energy

This classroom allows the participants to learn about how energy access and climate change affect displaced communities and how UNITAR is working on addressing the issues. It will present lived experiences and insights from representatives of displaced communities. 


Understanding E-waste Value Chain in Humanitarian Settings

The objective of the webinar series is to introduce the topic of e-waste in humanitarian settings and understand the complexities of e-waste management that humanitarian and development organisations are facing at the country level.


Market Dialogue - Webinar 2

Save the date for IOMs second Market Dialogue on Wednesday, 12 October 2022, from 2.00-3.30 pm, where they will be focusing on creating pathways to unlock sustainable energy systems and services for internally displaced persons in Mozambique. 


Launch of the Sustainable Energy Response Plan (SERP) for Refugees and Host Communities in Uganda

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development in Uganda has developed a Sustainable Energy Response Plan (SERP) for Refugees and Host Communities with the overall objective to attaining universal access to affordable, reliable, and clean energy for socio-economic transformation in an environmentally sustainable manner in refugee settlements and host communities in Uganda. The SERP will be launched on Thursday 25th August 2022 in Kampala

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